Geospatial Data

The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be developed from sources of differing accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on modeling or interpretation, incomplete while being created or revised, etc. Using GIS products for purposes other than those for which they were created may yield inaccurate or misleading results. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace GIS products without notification.

How to use the GIS Data

A number of geographic datasets covering the Custer Gallatin National Forest are available below. We use Esri's GIS software (ArcGIS), and store all corporate GIS data in Esri's proprietary formats (shapefile, feature class, file geodatabase). The GIS layers available are stored as zipped files to conserve space and facilitate downloading. To use them, they must be unzipped or extracted first. Use WinZip or other compression software that recognizes these file types. In addition to their commercial software, Esri offers ArcGIS Explorer software free for viewing GIS data. You can download the software from ArcGIS Explorer website.

What is Metadata?

Metadata is information about the data. You are strongly advised to read the metadata to ensure the dataset is appropriate for your needs. Each dataset's associated Metadata link contains zipped .xml files, which can be opened and read via your default web browser. Each metadata may provide a general description of the dataset, geographic information about the data set, how the dataset was built, any updates to the dataset, any associated database tables with the dataset, descriptions of data set attributes, and other valuable information.

About the Online Themes

Unless otherwise noted, all datasets are single, forest wide GIS layers, and are in NAD83 Albers projection. This data represents the best data currently available at the Custer Gallatin National Forest. It is not necessarily complete and accuracy is limited to 1:24,000 USGS cartographic standards or less. The Forest Service does not guarantee the accuracy or currency of any of this data. As the forest's database is updated or requests for data change, this list will be updated.

Custer Gallatin National Forest Geospatial Information

Theme/Data Set Metadata/Description Spatial Data Date Updated
Administrative Forest Boundary Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Administrative District Boundary Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Ownership Metadata Spatial Data January 2021
Developed Recreation Sites Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Seasonal Roads Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Yearlong Roads Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Trails Metadata Spatial Data January 2021
Congressionally Designated Areas - Wilderness Areas Metadata Spatial Data July 2019
Other Designations Metadata Spatial Data Jan 2017
Nationally Designated Trails Data within file Spatial Data March 2019

For more information:

  • Forest GIS Coordinator (406) 255-1439
  • GIS Specialist (406) 255-1443
  • Link to Region 1 data sets

Key Contacts

  • Forest GIS Coordinator (406) 587-6985
  • Forest GIS Specialist (406) 255-1443